Natasha Giannetti

CEO and Co-Founder

I’m the CEO and co-founder of Snacks with Bite, a subscription snack delivery service. We are all about working hard and snacking healthy!

My role is a mixture of general management and creative direction. The part that excites me the most is the creative side of the business and finding ways to attract customers. Aside from that, my main goal is to maintain a motivating work environment so the team can kick goals and we’re all passionate about what we do.

At school I wanted to be a journalist, but once I got my degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. I was always obsessed with entrepreneurship and hungry to learn everything about starting an online business.

I believe you don’t really know exactly what you want to do until you go out and try and find out what that is. It’s ok to step away from something and into something new!

At Uni, I devoured as many books and interned at as many start-ups as I could. Once I graduated, I jumped at the opportunity to work at a company that sold hampers.

I began my career in customer service. I was exposed to everything that had to do with growing a business, from day to day operations to implementing growth marketing strategies. From there, I progressed to Marketing Manager and then General Manager. I eventually partnered with the directors to launch Snacks with Bite.

My biggest lesson was in the beginning of my career. I was so eager to do the best I could do that I would go way too hard on projects, people and expectations without much tact. I was eager to get everything done all at once and I put too much pressure on myself to the point where costly mistakes were made.

I would advise girls who would like to do what I do to be curious. Find out what part of a company is most exciting to you. Be hungry to learn, google is your best friend. If you need some inspiration or lack knowledge google, google, google!



Job: CEO, Entrepreneur

Industry: Business, Communications, Marketing