21st Century Girls Under Pressure
“In the last 20 years, childhood and adolescence has changed.
It’s more lonely, more pressured and more unkind.”
Steve Biddulph, Raising Girls
21st Century Girls Under Pressure workshop sets the scene by unpacking all the unique challenges that girls face these days.
Pressures that take away their power, confidence and self-esteem.
We discuss the changes they experience all at the one time:
- Physical
- Psychological
- Emotional
- Social
- Transitioning to High School
We briefly touch on everything from unrealistic beauty standards and body image issues to:
- The New Digital Generation
- Toxic Media Messages
- Loss of Confidence
- Social Media
- Comparison
- Perfection
- Cosumerism
- Sexism
- Gender Stereotypes
We discuss how these interrelate and collectively deplete girls’ confidence and self-esteem. We then explore some practical ways girls can get their power back.
Frequently Asked Questions
What topics does the Empower Girl workshop cover?
Is the workshop suitable for all age groups?
How long is the workshop?
Will there be a Q&A session with the instructors following the presentation?
What materials do participants need to bring to take part in the workshop?
How many students can attend the workshop at once?
Are there any special requests or requirements that teachers should be aware of before signing up their classes for the workshop?
Does Empower Girl provide any additional learning resources related to their topics?
Are there any discounts offered to schools that sign up multiple classes for the same workshop session?